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Toward an era of living with eSports


We, the Ace World eSports Association, have a vision of "To live with esports". I am working on purpose. We certify or authorize more than 248 groups nationwide, and communicate the fun and splendor of esports through community management, hosting and sponsoring charity tournaments, etc., and create an environment where everyone can play esports comfortably.

Representative message

A new form of entertainment through e-sports is beginning to emerge around the world. E-sports began to attract attention around 2010, and five years later, around 2015, the word e-sports began to be used in Japan. However, Japan is far behind the world's leading game nations.

Japan, which has the world's leading game companies such as Nintendo and SONY, and has the world's top-class gaming population, is currently "one step further in the world of e-sports".

However, there is no doubt that e-sports will become the center of comprehensive entertainment in the new era. Under such circumstances, Japan will become one of the centers of e-sports in the world, and we believe that it is necessary to continue to provide new "value" and "excitement" as a corner that will play a role in the entertainment of the new era.

That is why we, the  Ace World eSports Association, have become the center of the young generation, creating a big wave of esports in this country and Japan, and have continued to walk to realize our philosophy, "To live with esports." 

Representative: Kinki Yusuke


Association Overview


Name of Association

Ace World eSports Association|Officiated by JP GOV
公式Twitterアカウント @AceWorld_eSport





Contact address


Business content

Authorization activities for esports teams and tournaments, provision of membership services, development of esports communities, hosting, management and sponsorship of esports tournaments, charity activities through esports


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