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Regarding the handling of personal information by authorized and certified organizations

The organization will thoroughly implement the following regarding the management of information provided by authorized and certified organizations.

1. Ensuring accuracy of information
1. We will endeavor to ensure that the information provided by authorized/certified bodies is accurate and up-to-date at all times.

2.Safety control measures
1. With regard to the systematic management of personal information, the organization shall strictly stipulate the handling method according to the regulations of the organization and thoroughly handle it based on it.

3. Supervision of information managers
1. The organization shall strictly enforce the personal information handling regulations based on the regulations of the organization.

4. Prohibition of Disclosure/Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
1. We will properly manage personal information entrusted to us by certification organizations and will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases.
(1) When there is consent from an authorized/certified organization
(2) When disclosing to a contractor entrusted by the organization in order to hold a competition or event desired by an authorized or certified organization
③When it is necessary to disclose based on laws and regulations

5.Inquiries about authorized/certified organizations
1. The Association will acquire personal information by lawful and fair means. In addition, at the time of acquisition, we will inform you of the purpose and scope of use in advance.

6. Use of personal information
1. If an authorized/authenticated body wishes to inquire, modify, or delete a person's personal information, it will respond after confirming the person's identity.
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