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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy (Declaration)

The Association recognizes that personal information is an important asset (legal interest). In addition, we believe that it is our social responsibility as an association to properly manage and protect this. Therefore, we have established a basic policy regarding the handling of various types of personal information. The Association declares that it will comply with this policy and strive to protect personal information.

1. Compliance with laws and other norms regarding personal information protection
1. The Association will comply with Japanese laws and other norms and guidelines related to the protection of personal information.

2. Definition of personal information
1. "Personal information" listed in this policy means the following information about living individuals.
(1) Information that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, other descriptions, etc. included in the information
(2) Information that can be easily collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual

3.Management and continuous implementation of personal information
1. In order to properly protect personal information, the Association shall establish management systems and handling methods, including storage methods. We will ensure that other relevant parties are thoroughly informed of this. In addition, we will continue to review our management.

4.Implementation of executive and employee education
1. The Association will regularly provide training on the handling of personal information to officers and employees, and ensure the protection of personal information.

5. Acquisition of personal information
1. The Association will acquire personal information by lawful and fair means. In addition, at the time of acquisition, we will inform you of the purpose and scope of use in advance.

6. Use of personal information
1. The Association will protect the scope of the purpose of use announced or announced in advance regarding the use of personal information provided.

7. Provision of personal information
1. The Association may outsource the handling of personal information within the scope of the purpose of use. In that case, we will fully consider the management ability of the subcontractor, make arrangements regarding personal information, supervise it, and thoroughly manage personal information safely.
2. In addition, we will ensure the safety management of personal information in the same way when using it within the operating company of our association.
3. The Association will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties other than subcontractors without the consent of the individual concerned. However, personal information may be disclosed or provided without the consent of the person in question in accordance with laws and regulations or when disclosure is requested by public institutions such as courts and police.

8. Response to inquiries regarding personal information
1. Regarding the personal information managed by the Association, when the person in question requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc., except in the following cases, after confirming the identity of the person , we will take necessary action.
① When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
② When there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of the business of the Association
③ When it violates other laws and regulations
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